


  About Me    


Hello my name is Bob. I have a wife Sue and 4 children, Emma, Michael, Richard, and Vicky. I became a born again Christian at the age of 33 by asking Jesus into my life, having saw the changes that happened to my wife and how it helped her through her long illness and depression.

I attend a Free Church ( non-denominational ) and am doing these pages as part of my gift and ministry. I have Epilepsy which is drug controlled which was diagnosed about Feb 1993 when I was 41. I try not to let this effect my life as much as possible.

I collect coins and stamps from anywhere in the world and have done so since a teenager. I started having an interest in computers and in years got a proper computer ( 386 ) now  I have progressed to a Pentium and just before Christmas 97 started a free trial on the net. These are my pages which will glorify God and help to tell people about Him. I thank Him for what he has done in my life and how he has provided our daily needs and hope that I may help others to see what a great God we have.

©  Bobbysoft 1998                   

Since then I make up my own computers became a Microsoft Certified Professional and Microsoft Certified Desktop Support Technician in 2008/2009. Also A+ Certified, Have now retired , also got Myasthenia Gravis which is a rare autoimmune disease that affects my muscles and also the only automatic muscle that controls breathing, so can choke easily , pick up infections from any sick people so it limits where I go and what I can do if not well.

God has still been good to me over the years and recently spent seven weeks in hospital getting over a choking episode where I had to be intubated and go to critical care for a week as I had double pneumonia a bit touch and go luckily for me I had very good care and praise god for all the staff that looked after me.

Steroids and blood sugars have caused glaucoma and cataracts and I take my medicines and protein ( and if can’t eat nutrition) through a PEG direct to stomach I do not swallow any tablets; the peg is my safety net.

Find out more about Myasthenia – https://www.myaware.org       

Find out about PEG - https://Pinnt.com

© Bobbysoft 2019 

Since then latest news my wife passed away in August 2019 suddenly and 10 weeks later my mother passed away in October 2019

I am now shielding because of corvid-19 and have my 9 year old dog as my companion , i have 5 grand children

© Bobbysoft 2020