


My Site Awards                     

My Site Awards To Apply for any of these awards Click on the Link

( I'm sorry but some of these no longer exist links or sites no longer held by people )

Here's my special award for you!


(this one cannot be applied for)



Hi Bob!!
Well, here we are! We were amazed by the amount of
information and useful material on your website. You
must have been working around the clock to create such
a great site. You are definitely worthy of our awards
and I hope you will enjoy the ones we have chosen for
If you choose to link back to us, please use
http://www.skyhawkfireheart.comfor Sky's awards and

for my awards.
Congratulations on a fantastic work! You will be added
to our winners list shortly.
Take care!


I recently received your request for an award for your
site. I have reviewed your site and would like to proudly present you
with an award!

Your pages were wonderful and we truly enjoyed them. You have shown much
talent in designing your pages and this is why I would love for you to
except an award from Blueyes Designs & Homepage


Committed to Christ Award


I am truly appreciative to locate your web site and find the information
in regards to the word of God that I needed. I plan to share my
enthusiasm and experience with the web site with others. Thank you.
I was about to give up on my search for locating the names of God and
the biblical reference to them.
I don't know you, but I love you! Thank you for using the Internet as a
tool for Christianity as opposed for evil and destruction.
Be blessed!!!


Thank you for providing information on the names of God. I went to a woman’s'
conference this past week, and while there I had the desire to know all of
the mighty and powerful names of God. Thank you for being a resource. May
God every bless you

Forthe Love Of God Award

Children of God Award



Beary Sweet Site Award


Living Waters Spirit Award                                                    Zippi Award

                                                                 The Link Group Award                                      Radical for Jesus Award

To Barbara's site            

    Barbara's  Award                                Rev. Mack & Marsie Daugherty Award

                © Bobbysoft 2000