


Puzzle Page 3

Numbers Quiz

Fill in the following blanks with the correct numbers.

1. Moses was given the ____ Commandments. (Deuteronomy 10 v 4)


2. The Lord God created the heavens and the earth in ____days.  (Genesis1 v31; 2 v 1)


3. Because of their unbelief, the children of Israel were forced to wander in the wilderness _____ years before entering the promised land. (Numbers 14 v33, 34)


4. One of Daniel's famous visions involved a “vision of____ weeks".  (Daniel 9 v 22-24)


5. The Hebrews left Egypt after dwelling there for ______years.      (Exodus 12 v 40,41)


6. Jonah was in the belly of the great fish for _____days and _____ nights. (Jonah 1 v17)


7. At the beginning of Revelation, John describes a vision of Christ among _____ golden candlesticks. (Revelation 1 v 12-20)


8. Only _______ people were saved aboard Noah's ark. (1 Peter3 v 20)


9. When Jesus discussed the parable of the virgins and their lamps, He mentioned that _____ of them were wise, but _____ of them were foolish. (Matthew25 v 1,2)


10. According to Paul, the risen Christ was seen by more than ______people at one time.                                     (1 Corinthians 15 v 6)


11. For betraying Jesus, Judas received ______ pieces of silver. (Matthew26 v14 - 16)


12. In the parable of the lost sheep, ______ sheep were not lost. (Matthew 18 v 12,13)


13. Only _____ of each species of "unclean" animal were allowed aboard Noah's ark  (Genesis 7 v1,2)


14. Joseph was ______ years old when he related his dreams to his jealous brothers. (Genesis 37 v 2 - 11)


15. Five times Paul received ____stripes from the unbelieving Jews.   (2 Corinthians 11 v 24)


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