


Puzzle Page 5

About Paul       -    True or False

1.  Paul's previous name was Saul   (Acts 13 v 9)

2.  Paul was converted through a visitation of the Lord while on his way to Jerusalem    (Acts 9 v 1-6)

3.  Paul was a Roman citizen   (Acts 22 v 25,26)

4.  Paul was considered a member of the Pharisees   (Acts 23 v 6)

5.  When Peter withdrew from the gentiles in favor of Jewish believers, Paul commended him first   (Galatians 1 v 1; 2 v 11-14)

6.  Paul's testimony to the masses in Jerusalem was well received   (Acts 22 v1-24)

7.  Paul never had moments of weakness or fear   (1 Corinthians 1 v1,2 ; 2 v3)

8.  Paul wrote the epistle to the Colossians   (Colossians 1 v 1,2)

9.  Paul disputed with Barnabas as to whether to take Timothy along on his second missionary journey    (Acts 15 v 36-40)

10. Paul once preached in Athens  (Acts 17 v 16-34)

11. Paul showed great love for his unsaved countrymen  (Romans 1 v 1; 9 v 1-5)

12. In order to meet his needs, Paul often worked as a fisherman   (Acts 18 v 1-3)

13. During a shipwreck, it was Paul who encouraged the others, even though he was a prisoner  (Acts 27 v 29-44) 

14. Paul actually sang praises to God while unjustly bound in a prison    (Acts 16 v 14-25)

15. Paul baptized many new converts  ( 1 Corinthians 1 v 13-17)

16. Paul often reasoned with the Jews concerning Jesus according to the Scriptures  (Acts 17 v 1,2)

17. Paul was once caught up into Heaven and then returned    ( 2 Corinthians 1 v 1; 12 v 2-7)

18. Paul was stoned to death at Lystra  (Acts 14 v 8 -20)

19. Paul believed in salvation by grace  (salvation being an unearned gift from God)  (Ephesians 1 v 1; 2 v 8,9)

20. Paul had a great burden for those saved through his ministry   ( 2 Corinthians 1 v1; 11 v 28,29)



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