


The Commandments

In the Old Testament there were Ten Commandments that were given to Moses written on slabs of stone these were rules if you like of things that they should not do so that they could live blamelessly before God. When these were broken it was a sin and the way to be made right with god was to made a sacrifice of an animal to cover the sin hence there were called sin offerings.

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As we all know these were hard for sinful man to keep and they could not keep that blameless relationship with God. But God in his wisdom had thought of this even before man was made. He had made provision for the whole of mankind to be redeemed, by sending His only Son Jesus to be the Christ(Saviour/messiah) for mankind to take upon Him All the Sin of mankind. To be the Only Sacrifice that God the Father would accept because he was sinless and without blame. This happened by Jesus being tried , flogged , beaten , and crucified on a cross where he was separated from the love of God the Father. He took All Our Sin upon himself for All Generations Past, Present and Future. Therefore we are Forgiven and Redeemed at the most awful cost that is the sacrifice of God's Only Son.

The Good news is that God raised Jesus after the third day, to Reign with Him in Glory. We are also inheritors of eternal life through this act of love. Jesus also gave a New Commandment which replaces the old covenant with ten commandments. The New Commandment is "Love Thy Neighbour As You Would Love Yourselves" for if you did this you would not break all the others.

           © Bobbysoft 1998                          

copyrite christianart


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